PAST congratulates René Sielemann, awarded the Ray Inskeep Student Conference Prize for best student presentation at the Association for Southern African Professional Archaeologists in Lesotho in June 2024!
Her presentation: A Brief Assessment of the Large Cutting Tools of Wonderboom, highlighted the significance of Wonderboom as an important southern African Acheulean site. Her research exemplified how Early Stone Age lithic studies contribute to an understanding of the evolution of human cognition.
Ms. Sielemann is a Masters student at the University of Johannesburg’s Palaeo-Research Institute. PAST is funding her Masters studies and provided the support she needed to present at the Lesotho conference. Ray Inskeep was a Professor of Archaeology at the University of Cape Town and leading Stone Age archaeologist. The award, generously funded by Adie Inskeep to the Southern African Archaeological Society, commemorates Prof. Inskeep’s major contributions to archaeology. PAST applauds Ms. Sielemann’s prize-winning work.