I recently had the opportunity to participate in the 36th International Meeting of Sedimentology, held in Dubrovnik, Croatia from 12th – 16th June 2023. It was an exciting experience as I presented my MSc research for the very first time at an international conference. The event brought together sedimentologists from around the world, creating a dynamic and vibrant atmosphere.
During the conference, I gave an oral presentation on the role of substrate on the anatomical fidelity of dinosaur tracks in the upper Stormberg Group, southern Africa. My presentation was part of the theme “Biochemical and biological processes in sedimentary rocks” within the session titled “Trace fossils in sedimentological analysis: expanding their applicability in space and deep time”. A notable highlight for me was the positive feedback I received from four individuals who approached me after my talk. It was truly a proud and fulfilling moment. I also had the opportunity to create long-lasting memories and establish valuable connections with peers and professionals in the field.
I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisors, Dr Miengah Abrahams and Prof Emese Bordy, for their support throughout my research journey. Additionally, I am thankful to the Palaeontological Scientific Trust (PAST) for generously providing the travel grant that enabled me to attend the meeting in person.
Loyce Mpangala
MSc Student
University of Cape Town