Nationality: South African
Institution: University of KwaZulu-Natal
Department: Agriculture Earth and Environmental Science
PAST programme support: Degree support
Project title: A multi-proxy palaeo-environmental record of Herbertsdale wetland, Mossel Bay: Insights into Holocene fire, vegetation and climate dynamics.
X (@OmarjeeZahra)
Zahra is currently a palaeoecology master’s student at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, interested in past environmental change.
She completed my undergraduate BSc with majors in environmental science and soil science at UKZN, and honours in environmental science. Zahra grew up and currently lives in Pietermaritzburg. She was inspired to pursue a career and education in environmental science because she has always been interested in the origins of the earth, natural science and environmental change. Zahra believes that climate change is one of the most important current issues in the world today, and that palaeoecology, and the study of past human origins can be used to address it. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, reading, and doing textile art such as macramé and crochet. Zahra is also a member of SASQUA, and IAIASA KZN.